Jitendra Chaudhary's WebTech

HTML5 the Game Changer

Hi! There! Let’s talk about HTML5 features today. Before HTML5 default markup language for the web, it was published by World Wide Consortium (W3C) in October 2014. HTML5 replaces all previous versions of HTML/XHTML and DOM Level 2 HTML. It has provided various new features to with simple tags to design complex web applications. Many new syntactic  features handle various[…]

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Bootstrap : Get Started

Hi All! Hope you are doing well. In our last post, we talked about Bootstrap framework and promised to discuss more details about Bootstrap in coming posts. Bootstrap itself is so vast, that it can not be covered in one or two posts. Therefore we shall split the discussion one or two elements at a time. This post is second[…]

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Bootstrap : Leader in front End Frameworks

Hi There! Hope you are doing well. If you are a web developer, it is impossible that you have not heard or used Bootstrap CSS framework. Bootstrap is most loved CSS framework among developers. Let us explore bootstrap today. What is bootstrap? As per Wikipedia definition : Bootstrap is a free and open-source front-end web framework for designing websites and web[…]

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